Saturday, August 25, 2018

Promoting Child’s Rights in Holy Angel University

              Kaugnay na larawan  
              Holy Angel University implement the laws like Child Protection policy in a way that in the university they are surrounded by security guards to secure the safety of the community inside the school. In terms of using it inside the classroom the teacher protects the child in away the he or she treats the student as his or her own child. The teacher is making sure that she or he will not hurt the students but instead they will discipline the students whenever they have commit mistakes inside the classroom. There are also rules and regulations in the student manual of the school where the rights of the students are being promoted. Like, when there is a heavy rain in their place and they cannot make it to school because of flood or sudden incidents, the school is considering the child in being absent.
            In Holy Angel there is also student’s organizations and council where the leaders there are the representatives or spokesperson of the students whenever the admins or the authority will be having a meeting. In that meeting students can say they concerns about the school and in that way it is promoting the rights of the students.

Resulta ng larawan para sa child protection policy

Holy Angel as School Educational System

Resulta ng larawan para sa holy angel university
      Holy Angel University known for its quality education. In the Basic Education department where I am observing, I experienced that they are really giving the quality education that the students must have. In the past few weeks there are many days that classes are suspended because of the weather. HAU scheduled a Saturday classes to fill in the lessons that are missed and the school do not aim for money or anything they really want to give the students a quality education wherein some schools or university do not have.            
            The teachers cooperates with the parents by having a parent meeting, at that time the teacher discusses about the student’s performance and other concerns regarding grades or anything. The parents feel free to ask questions or concerns regarding their child. The teacher cooperates with the meeting by also having a meeting with them where the admins discuss certain issues or concerns about the school or about the students.
            Whenever there is an activity inside and outside the school the teacher gives letters or parent’s consent so that the teacher will know that the parents are agreeing with the activities and they are giving the teacher the supervision of their child. The activities that the Holy Angel University has in the Basic Education Department are outreach programs, sports fest and family day inside the school.

Kaugnay na larawan

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Observation

My Observation

One of the requirement in our course or program is to observe the teacher and the students for 120 hours. At first it was hard because you need to wake up early and sacrifice you vacant time to observe classes. But later on I am enjoying it. 
I am observing 20 hours this semester and my resource teacher is Sir Bernard Camacam, he mentioned to me that he is really not a Valued Education Teacher but he is an ex- seminarian, he also said that he is not a Kapampangan but he is from Zambales. I am assigned in the Senior High department. My first day was Tuesday, and I observed for two hours. What we did that day is first, the students take their examination and I helped Sir Bernard to distribute the answer sheets and questionnaires. I also helped him to watch over the students while taking their examination. After the exam we have a class mass at the chapel so we went their to celebrate the mass.
In my second day it was Friday, we have a discussion and activity about the Christ and the Church. I am really inspired by Sir Bernard the way he teach, he is very good in discussing and dealing with his students. Most of us are aware that they see CLE subject as a boring subject but ir Bernard gives his best to teach his students. He is different in other teachers that I have observed in the past years. He researched for his lesson to give his students a valid information about their lessons and that is what I have learn from my resource teacher, to be always prepared and know what we teach in our lesson also research always because a good teacher is a good researcher. Sir Bernard also mentioned that he is taking up his Masteral degree. I think Sir Bernard is an Existentialist because he wnt to imposed the values of his students, he wants to help his students to understand and appreciate their uniqueness that accepts complete responsibility for their thoughts, feeling and actions as students.
I know that Sir Bernard will teach me a lot of learning in becoming an effective teacher in the future and he will inspire me more to pursue my dreams.

The Orientation

Before the the admins give the names of our respective resource teacher, we are first had an orientation in observation in Holy Angel University. Orientation before the observation is very important because they will instruct us in observing inside the classroom.

What I learned i our orientation are first, I learned the rules and regulations in observing. Second, I learned from the admin which is Mrs. Supan that we are in on the way in our real life because we are all graduating students and we are one step to our dreams in life. Third, Mrs. Supan informed us that there are a lot of complaints in the past semesters because some of the observers in HAU ar violating the rules and regulations of the school like using of mobile phones and others are sleeping inside the classroom. Fourth, they instruct us how to behave while observing and how we will communicate with our resource teacher. Lastly, I learned in the orientation some of the experiences that Mrs. Supan shared to us, so that we will be more inspired in observing and at the same time teaching in the future. 


I am Karla Joy Nastor Ledesma, 20 years of age, I am presently living with my auntie here at Angeles City, Pampanga. I am originally fr...